Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The strike ends

No, I am not talking about football or basketball. I am talking about my strike from Blogger. I was beyond frustrated because my cute videos (that take forever to load) keep disappearing, so I just quit blogging. Every time I THINK about blogging I get angry. But this blog is about Cullen, so I need to just get over myself. Because you need to see Cullen and his cuteness.

Cullen and his cuteness loving the pool...

And his race driver toy...

And his jumper...

This kid is so cute that people will come all the way from London to see him...

See? How could I stay on strike?


  1. Oh my gosh...he's grown so much! So glad your back!!!

  2. So cute! He's looking so much older these days! I can't wait to see him in person soon. Thanks for the post!


  3. Please come back to blogging! Cullen is getting so big!! I no longer load videos directly to blogger. I load them to YouTube and then embed. We can chat about this on the phone if you want to try! Don't keep those baby pictures from us!!
