Friday, January 14, 2011

Six weeks!

I can't believe my little man is six weeks old! The time truly does fly! He is starting to look so much bigger and is outgrowing his newborn outfits. Yesterday at the pediatrician's office he weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz! That puts him in the 40th percentile, which is way up from last time. Yay! At least I know he is getting enough food!

Some great things have happened since my last posting. Cullen sometimes manages to get his thumb in his mouth, which is pretty cute. He smiles occaisionally and is getting better head control, though he HATES tummy time. He has started to make a few cooing noises, which always delight me. He hates being put down but LOVES the baby sling. Seriously, that thing is AWESOME, though carrying him in it so much is killing my back. He also loves dancing and napping with mom. It is amazing how attached we are to each other after only 6 weeks! I just adore him.

The reason we were at the pediatrician's office is another story... Cullen has been spitting up A LOT... sometimes the projectile kind. Sometimes he will soak 2 burp cloths (and me) in one feeding. And starting late last week he also starting crying during and after feedings. I was starting to worry about the dreaded c word (colic). But it turns out he has pretty bad reflux. So we got him some medicine yesterday. I CAN'T WAIT until it starts working. Until then we have a baby that cries half the day, and a mommy that cries along with him! The pediatrician says the medicine can take up to a week to start working. The only problem is that it won't help with the spitting up; that is something that just takes time to work itself out. So don't judge if you see me covered in puke. I have discovered that I don't have even close to enough shirts to change every time he spits up (15-20 times a day!). I know, it's disgusting. The things we do for our kids...

As for me, I am trying to adjust to the challenges of motherhood. Most of the time I absolutely love it, but when he cries it really kills me. Yesterday I had to pull off the road in bad traffic because he was crying in his car seat and I just couldn't take it. I guess it is all the hormones! Nursing in the car with traffic flying by is quite an experience. I am also trying to get back in shape, though that is pretty slow because you can't do much after a c-section. As of today, I have 12 more pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Then I have about 5-7 more to get back to my pre-in vitro weight. As long as I can fit back into my work clothes when my maternity leave is over, I will consider that a huge success. We'll see!

Overall, motherhood is turning out to be a challenge but an absolute joy. I LOVE cuddling my little Cullen and can't imagine anything I'd rather be doing!


  1. Crystal,

    Hi, I am praying for Cullen's reflux to get better. Caroline didn't like tummy time at first either but now she loves it. Hopefully Cullen will grow to love it as well.

    Julie Howell

  2. girl, my jake had reflux..and hopefully Cullen will adjust quicker than Jake did. I gave up nursing at 8 weeks, switched to every kind of formula,when he finally went on whole milk at 12 months, he never spit up again and slept through the night!!! Who knew!! oh ...and it took me 4 kids and 2 months of nutri-system to get down to pre pregnancy weight/size..if you do it in 2 months you are my hero!!
