Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Does this get easier?!

As much as I love being a mom, this is hard work! The nursing is definitely wearing me out. Cullen eats every 2-3 hours, and each feeding takes an hour or so. Then he gets fussy for a while. By the time he is changed and happy, I only have an hour or so before it's time to start all over again! And he usually wants to be held for that hour. So I am learning to do everything with one hand. And the laundry! Cullen spits up all the time, so I am constantly changing his clothes, sheets, etc. I do at least 2 loads every other day. I'm not sure how I'm going to pull off cooking for Christmas, but I am determined to do it! Hopefully I will get better at all of this!


  1. Hang in there! Peak fussiness usually hits around 6 weeks so between now and then things may continue to get harder...but after that everything will get MUCH easier...I promise!

  2. Burp and burp often. That may help with the spitting up and fussiness. Hang in there. This is the worst part. Soon he will be eating faster and at 3-3.5 hours between feedings. Hopefully he will start getting longer stretches at night. It's too early to get on a schedule, but try the eat, awake, sleep. It will really help in the long run.

  3. burp allot!! I guess it gets easier...i did it 3 more times!! =)

  4. Crystal,

    It does get easier. For the changing the sheets problem, I recommend that you put a receiving blanket over the sheets. It's thin and you can tuck it in, so he's not going to choke. And if he spits up or has a bad accident, you can pull off the blanket rather than change the sheets. We had a lot more blankets than sheets, so it worked well for us.

