Sunday, March 6, 2011


For those of you who have had trouble posting comments, I changed my settings, so hopefully it will be easier now. So comment away!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

He rolls!

My baby shoogs is THREE MONTHS old! I can hardly believe it! I started back to work last week, and boy-oh-boy do I miss him! But it is SO FUN to pick him up from daycare in the evenings.

I have decided that three months is the most perfect age. Cullen is an adorable, happy baby, his reflux is getting better, he takes some good naps in the afternoons, and he still loves to cuddle with mommy. I am loving it...

So here's what's going on with Cullen these days: He rolls! For a week or so he has been rolling over when he is doing tummy time (which he still hates).

He hates the car. I know, all other babies love the car, but not my little guy! He cries the entire time from home to daycare and back home in the evenings. This is really tough on mommy. We are hoping it improves soon.

He LOVES getting his diaper changed. Seriously! He will be crying and unhappy, and the moment that diaper comes off he is all smiles. Too bad diapers are so expensive! I'm sure I change his diaper way too often just because I love seeing him so happy!

He is quite the smiler, and there's nothing I love better than that toothless grin!

He already has a girlfriend! He and Vanessa, an adorable girl in his class, love looking at each other and sometimes even reach out for each other. It's pretty cute because they are total opposites. She is dark complected with lots of hair and dark eyes, and she has to weigh at least 2 pounds more than him! And he is my little light complected guy with the tiniest bit of blond hair and light blue eyes!

Cullen had his 3 month pictures taken today, so stay tuned for some new shots.